Left hand: Index: fine, no filing done, in its natural shape, strong. Middle: strong, was once cut too short, growing back slowly. Ring: just chipped and filed today, pretty strong. Pinky: a little uneven, was chipped a few weeks ago, cut short, growing back strong.
Left thumb: Very long, strong, in its natural rounded shape.
Right Hand: Pinky: in its natural shape, pretty strong. Ring: in its natural squared off shape, very strong, a little stained. :'/ Middle: in its natural shape, strong, kinda shortish. Index: in its natural round shape, strong.
Right thumb: got hit smack on my long strong nail with a baseball, chipped, I thought I just had to file a bit, turned out to be split down the middle, tried to save it, but ended up having to cut it off. :'(
Well, that's my nail update, see you soon hopefully<Lucy :)